Rev. Joseph P. Shiel III, Pastor
All are invited to join us
Welcome to Journey Within
The Journey Within Spiritualists’ National Union Church was founded in 1996 by the Reverend Janet Nohavec. It is the first church in the United States of America to be affiliated with the Spiritualists’ National Union based in the United Kingdom. Most other American Spiritualist Churches are affiliated with the National Spiritualist Association of Churches.

A place to GROW
Come visit us in our beautiful home
A church of our own
A Spiritual Oasis
A Dream come true
A place to grow and Be
Blessed by God and the Angels
A place to search for the Truth within
your own heart
Take a look inside
See what we offer
Join Us
We offer many different services, many events which we hope you will find of interest. In addition we offer pastoral care.
The Seven Principles
- The Father/Motherhood of God
- The Brother and Sisterhood of Man
- The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels
- The Continuous Existance of the Human Soul
- Personal Responsibility
- Compensation and Retribution Hereafter For All the Good and Evil Deeds Done On Earth
- Eternal Progress Open to Every Human Soul
Spiritualists’ National Union
Spiritualists’ National Union International

Emma Hardinge Britten (2 May 1823 – 2 October 1899) was a medium and gifted orator and it was during her many speeches in trance state, that ‘spirit communicators’ gave various statements of faith. This resulted in the creation of the Seven Principles of Modern Spiritualism in the UK.
Meet our
School of Mediumship
at Journey Within

Come join one of our workshops and see how we can further your development.
All you need to know
If you are traveling to get to us, here is all you need to know:
- Airports
- Directions
- Accommodation
- Dining

If you need further information
Contact Us