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Rev. Joseph P. Shiel III, Pastor

December 20, 2024

Very Happy, Healthy and Wonderful Loving Holiday Season to All!

Dear Friends of the Journey Within;

I trust this short greeting will meet you and yours with joy, love and high spirits this season.  We at the Journey Within, all of us, wish you the closeness of spirit, the peace and serenity of a calm and heartfelt holiday with family and friends and an abundance of love in your life.

As your Pastor, I want to thank each and every one of you for your continued encouragement and support.  Janet was one of the most generous, kind and truly loving people I have ever had the grace to love and I believe she is watching all of you even today.  Please continue to spread the love, compassion, generosity, fine teaching and community that she so freely inspired in every one of you.  You are of light.

Thank you for your generosity and efforts to invest in our Community’s future.  I am so very grateful to All!

As the New Year rapidly approaches, I am very excited to let you know our programs, services and extracurricular activities will be just awesome!  We will have some new teachers and speakers, and we are bringing back some of our favorites from over the past many years.  They will present their programs online as well as in person and they are the best from here in the US and from around the Globe.  We are committed to the highest and best for everyone to choose from and continue your Spiritualist passion toward greater understanding and pure evolution of the Soul.

This year you will be proud to invite a friend to our services as well as share information of our educational efforts. We will also be putting our Schoolhouse in Hydesville to use in the warmer months to reach out to others and provide a safe sanctuary for those seeking a more principled way of Spiritual growth.

Please be safe, hug those you love, and throughout the new year know we are here for you!

Choose Peace,

Love, Rev. Joe

December 20, 2024

Hello Everyone!

Well, it’s that time of year again! It’s exciting, exhausting, confusing and hopefully fun. I hope as you are shopping, baking, wrapping, that you take a little time for yourself and realize how important and appreciated you are by everyone in your life.

I pray for a year that will bring kindness, compassion and peace to everyone. Thank you for all you do.

Happy Holidays & Happy 2025!


Patty Moran, Director


All are invited to join us

Welcome to Journey Within

The Journey Within Spiritualists’ National Union Church was founded in 1996 by the Reverend Janet Nohavec.  It is the first church in the United States of America to be affiliated with the Spiritualists’ National Union based in the United Kingdom.  Most other American Spiritualist Churches are affiliated with the National Spiritualist Association of Churches.

A place to GROW

Come visit us in our beautiful home
A church of our own
A Spiritual Oasis
A Dream come true
A place to grow and Be
Blessed by God and the Angels
A place to search for the Truth within
your own heart

Take a look inside

See what we offer

Join Us

We offer many different services, many events which we hope you will find of interest.  In addition we offer pastoral care.

Sunday morning and Sunday & Wednesday evenings – find out more

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Learn when healing is available

Single membership or family membership – find out more

The Seven Principles

  1. The Father/Motherhood of God
  2. The Brother and Sisterhood of Man
  3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels
  4. The Continuous Existance of the Human Soul
  5. Personal Responsibility
  6. Compensation and Retribution Hereafter For All the Good and Evil Deeds Done On Earth
  7. Eternal Progress Open to Every Human Soul

Spiritualists’ National Union

Spiritualists’ National Union International

Emma Hardinge Britten (2 May 1823 – 2 October 1899) was a medium and gifted orator and it was during her many speeches in trance state, that ‘spirit communicators’ gave various statements of faith. This resulted in the creation of the Seven Principles of Modern Spiritualism in the UK.

Meet our

School of Mediumship
at Journey Within

Our diary of events if full with workshops and classes with our resident mediums and also a great selection of events with visiting international mediums – we have something for everyone – take a closer look.
We have a selection of ongoing weekly classes and groups for mediumship development, healing and oporunities for you to practice in a safe, comforable environment.

Come join one of our workshops and see how we can further your development.

The Latest



All you need to know

If you are traveling to get to us, here is all you need to know:

  • Airports
  • Directions
  • Accommodation
  • Dining


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