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The Higher Influence - Aspects of Trance with Tony Stockwell

thu15dec(dec 15)12:00 pmfri16(dec 16)5:00 pmThe Higher Influence - Aspects of Trance with Tony StockwellPlease book in advance

Event Details

The Higher Influence – Aspects of Trance
Spiritual Masters, Ancestors & Guides

with International Medium Tony Stockwell

Thursday, December 15 & Friday, December 16, 2022
12 – 5pm Eastern time each day
$150 no refunds

The path of Mediumship is one of the most fascinating areas of spiritual development. You feel a part of a team dedicated to bringing understanding and purpose to the lives of many. We have long had a good understanding of the ways of providing survival evidence and for most of us this is a ‘job in progress’. In addition to this is there is a whole other level of spirit information that often goes unrecognized. That is a flow of ‘knowingness’ that is held by ‘Advanced Spirit Beings’ that is often overlooked. Spirits are waiting for us to access their truths and knowledge, understanding that their greater intelligence has the potential to enrich the lives of many. This course will help you build on your blend with spirit and create a structure of good evidential mediumship together with messages from those that guide us; providing a fuller understanding of what spirit truly wants to relay. This, Tony hopes, will enrich and add a power to the way you offer your messages.


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