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Mediumship Development Series with Joseph Shiel

wed10may7:00 pmwed9:00 pmMediumship Development Series with Joseph ShielBEGINNING WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 2023

Event Details

Mediumship Development Series
with Joseph Shiel


If you are serious about your development and want to understand, utilize and cherish the talents that you’ve been awakened to, then this robust, Immersive course of study has been developed for all who wish to attain a solid, grounded foundation in EVIDENCE-BASED, SPIRITUALLY-CENTERED mediumship.

This comprehensive program is packed full of AUTHORITATIVE CONTENT and is the result of decades of experience of a truly caring and compassionate teacher who has dedicated himself to giving you the professional guidance and attention that the unfoldment of your gifts deserve. 

The information is presented in a way that offers you a complete breadth of understanding, practice and experience in order to allow your best talents to be put to the test for the important and REAL-WORLD WORK of mediumship.

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