Signs, Symbols & Images with John Holland & Pastor Joe Shiel
Event Details
Signs, Symbols & Images: Understanding the Language of Spirit with International Mediums John Holland & Pastor Joe Shiel
Event Details
Signs, Symbols & Images: Understanding the Language of Spirit
with International Mediums John Holland & Pastor Joe Shiel
Friday, September 6 & Saturday, September 7, 2024
9am – 4:30pm each day
A Special Mediumship Weekend Workshop
Would you like to learn how you can begin to build a whole new creative language for your mediumship and be opened to new opportunities to receive and verify information with clarity and confidence from the Spirit World?
• Are you looking to add a totally new dimension to your mediumship or psychic work or development?
• Did you know that we all have our own unique interpretation of symbols, and you can learn to use them in your work?
• Would you like to know how to develop mind focus awareness in your work to deepen your evidence?
• Are you willing to push the boundaries of your mediumship or psychic work?
Getting to know and utilize every tool of our internal language of the heart is vitally important to be able to communicate with each other. For those of us who work as Psychics or Mediums; becoming proficient in our own ability to interpret color, symbols, signs & images helps us to be at the ready as competent and reliable professionals – consistent, positive, and confident in our work.
For years Psychic Medium John Holland & Spirit Artist, Medium Joe Shiel have demonstrated their own unique mediumship throughout the world, as well as teaching students how to develop and understand their own mediumship and psychic unfoldment. Every spiritual worker, psychic & medium uses the vast imaginative nature of the right brain to achieve a true altered state. This is the Creative Mind! This is the place where wonderful communication rings true.
Joe Shiel and John Holland have created an amazing working relationship, and together they bring a whole new method to teaching and imparting their wealth of experience and wisdom.
They’ve designed this full 2-day inspirational workshop for intermediate and practicing mediums, will provide in-depth instruction on how to utilize your mediums’ mind and its vast creative connection with the Spirit World.
In this special workshop, they’ll combine their knowledge to show how we all experience color, images, and symbols in a variety of ways. Although there’s a common meaning for much of the symbolism, there’s a personal interpretation within our own being that creates a deeper and more personal meaning.
Whether you are a beginner or seasoned professional psychic, medium or student, this workshop will introduce you to the tools to begin to master your own unique symbolic language with Spirit.
Throughout the workshop the topics covered:
≈ Stepping out of your comfort zone in order to stretch your mediumship to a whole new level.
≈ How to begin to work with your interpretation of colors, symbols, and images, as a significant new language, so you may experience deeper insights into your readings.
≈ Improving your Linking & Blending with the Spirit World to receive, authenticate, and validate the evidence.
≈ The Mechanics of Mind-Mapping is letting what you’re receiving tell you its meaning and story.
≈ Using the knowledge that is already stored in your mind for your own personal psychic-database for reference.
≈ You’ll learn how one split-second vision or sensation can open you to a vast wealth of knowledge from Spirit.
≈ Enrich the quality and quantity of your evidence in both Private & Public work
≈ Staying grounded and the ethical responsibility of being a medium in serving others.
John Holland Internationally renowned psychic medium, spiritual teacher, author, of numerous titles, oracle decks and apps:
His public demonstrations provide audiences with a rare glimpse into the fascinating subject of mediumship, which he delivers in his own unique style, explaining the delicate process of raising his own vibrational energy to link with the Other-Side and deliver messages, which he does with clarity, passion and the utmost integrity.
Joe Shiel is a highly acclaimed Evidential Psychic Medium, Spirit Artist and award-winning teacher. Internationally known for his accuracy, integrity and commitment to others, he has devoted his life to service of Spirit and those seeking love, healing and growth:
He shares his remarkable talents with students, clients and audiences around the world; teaching, speaking, healing and performing private and public demonstrations of evidential mediumship and Spirit Art deemed by many as ‘Portraits from Heaven.’
Criteria to Enroll for this Workshop:
• No artistic ability is needed in order to participate however a basic understanding of Psychic & Mediumship Development is recommended
• This Mediumship Weekend Workshop is (not) about Channelling, Ascended Masters, or Connecting with Guides. The focus of this workshop is ‘Mediumship’ (connecting to loved ones in Spirit for the purpose of providing evidence to prove the community of life)
• Minimum age required to participate is 18 years old